January 1, 2010 10:55 - A Whole New RV Boondocking Decade!
... Not to mention, Splitting the Wind on a pair of Fine Motorcycles, on Freedom Road...
Happy New Year to all of You! and, OH Baby... this is gonna be one Sweet and Fine Year! :-)
The last few have maybe been less than shiny... but... they're gone! Never look back... unless you're runnin' from a beautiful woman... then of course... you don't wanna get too far ahead! ... or she'll never catch you! :-)
Today Shines... Tomorrow is gonna be even better!
Step outside into the woods... or the open plains... Take a long, slow, deep breath and hold if for a minute...
Smell that?
THAT, my friends is FREEDOM! ... and the Joy of bein' ALIVE!
My New Years Resolution;
Take a 2 X 4 to what torments me... and then chase down what brings me joy... until I'm collapsed on the ground... gasping for air... grinning from ear to ear! Life is way too short to lose any more of it to all the 'peripheral' and useless 'fertilizer' that 'They' attempt to force feed me with... I'm gonna live like there ain't gonna be any tomorrow... 'cause one day... There won't be!
Take Good Care
January 2, 2010 14:22 - I've Started the New Year off right... Taking Small Steps... Two to be exact... Two RV Storage Steps
First the back RV stair... and then today...
The Front Storage Step! :-)

They ain't perfect, but they are superior to what had been there! Inside that back and taller RV Storage Stair box are two compartments. The Big one will be for the Dog Food... eliminating the plastic food box Ol' Buck has taken to breaking in to.
The second smaller compartment on the right side will hold leashes, collars, brushes and such... making that a lot neater than where they've been 'floating' around.

The front step will hold shoes, and maybe some gloves... there's not been a good place to hold them in the rig before... outside of putting 'dirty' shoes in a closet... which I don't much care for... so they cluttered the floor in the bedroom... Now at least... Heidis' tennies will have a home out from under foot.
The RV Stair treads are genuine Oak Stair treads, the body is mostly Baltic Birch Plywood... and will look purty nice once I get a good coat or two of floor Varnish on 'em.
Our Winter RV Remodel is movin' along now by golly and gee willickers! :-)
A fresh idea came to me as I was gathering materials the other day... the walls themselves... That wallpaper they use is just ... BOW... RING! I'm lookin' in to replacing it with something a lot more stylish for a "Mountain Rig"... won't take a whole lot... and would really set things off nice... just a lil' more cogitatin' on it, before I pull the trigger...
... and so... I've got to hold off installing the flooring... until the decision is made on that wall covering...
If I keep coming up with 'Change Orders' along the way... this remodel might not get done till July! :-)
Take Good Care
January 4, 2010 06:44 - An enduring, recurring, relapsing, episode of the Same Old Same Old!
I have a problem...
Every once in a while some thing ... or... some body... points it out to me... and Ol' Mark... Over on "Box Canyon Blog"... has done it again. :-)
I look too hard... I see too much.
People say we should "Pay Attention", and I know they do... 'cause I'm one of "Those People"!
... And there lies my problem... I pay TOO MUCH attention! :-) ... OK... give me a minute and I'll explain.
How can you pay, too much, attention? almost sounds like a contradiction, don't it?... I don't think so.
It's like the tourist who has ten days for a vacation. They hit 17 cities, in 14 countries in their ten days... trying hard to not miss anything... the result bein' that they miss it ALL! ... 'cause they're scramblin' so hard they don't have time to SEE anything.
It's the Old "Can't see the forest for the trees" deal.
I get so caught up in trying to capture the "Big Picture"... I race on past way too many of the gorgeous lil' 'Details'... layin' right there in plain sight... Just waitin' to be enjoyed... and most of that "Big Picture" is stuff I've got not one lil' bit of control over anyhoo... so bottom line... it's all "tiltin' against windmills".
It's like the Grand Canyon... almost impossible to photograph all in one huge panorama... it's too much... but... focus on one lil' tree, one rock sittin' on the edge, and you've got heart achin' beauty... right there.
So what's a fella to do?
Just one thing... Work on it! :-) I... repeatedly ... put blinders on... I push the "Big Picture" into the back of my head, and pile a bunch of junk on it to hold it down for a while... then just focus my attention on one... single... simple... step.
One lil' thing I Can Do.
... and then the next... and the next... working hard to keep from thinking too far down the road... Trying hard to keep the "Big Picture" just a fuzzy idea... floating out there on the fringe...
But... over time... my speed builds up... the blinders get knocked loose by the wind... the fog gets blown away as my speed increases... my eyes lift a lil'... and there I am... once again... staring hard and streeeeetching out my hand toward that damned... "Big Picture"... again.
So... I have to stop... collect that sucker up, one - more - time... and stuff it back into the closet again... piling the junk back on... again... :-)
To start again... on... one... lil'... step...
Just a normal routine... but what other option do I have? :-)
Take Good Care
January 5, 2010 06:38 - Perfect Timing from British Columbia!
Barry just posted an article on his Jayco 277 in "Visitors Stories" on the "Custom Rig" page...
and since I'm remodeling, virtually the same rig... and doing a lot of the same sort of work... his experience with 'Our Rig' came at just about the perfect time! He has a couple of tips that will save me some heartburn... provided some food for thought that's got me scheming... (so what else is new?!) :-) and otherwise did a bang up job... Sweet!
Doing the ciphering to calculate how much more 'lumber' I'm gonna need to reskin the INSIDE of the slide. :-) I've just about made up my mind to 'redecorate' that part with some nice cedar... maybe aspen?... only thing I have left to conjure... is how to reset/redo/rework the 'Window Rings'.
The windows are set in place on the outside... with that retention ring on the inside... putting some new 'panel' on the inside will move that ring maybe 3/8 of an inch... not exactly sure if that'll be a problem... or how to deal with it... but I'm sure I'll figure it out... 'cause I have to get all that done... before I can go ahead and put in the floor!
And... I'm anxious to get the floor in...
Thanks to Barry's article... I'm re-looking at how I'll do that Slide floor edge... I may still go with my aluminum Carpet Strip/Transition Strip idea... but his woodwork transition sure looks fine...
Other things I'm sketching on are where and how I'll wire in a 'pocket' inverter to run my computer on... and eliminate the need to turn on the BIG inverter... saving precious ampere hours of power... also... moving the remote monitors for the Solar Power System to a better location and maybe combine them with the tank monitors - for an RV Systems Control Center!... a flashier way to do the entry step well... Recovering the Valances... yadda yadda yadda...
... I'm trying to work up the ambition to cover those with Leather W/Tooled accent strips? ... but... there's 8 of 'em in the rig... and I'm lazy! :-) aw well... the winter's a long time...
But now... as always this time of the week... it's time to go do the 'day job'...
Take Good Care
January 6, 2010 15:52 - Another Blow is a Blowin'
8F and the Wind kickin' 'bout thirty-Oh-Damn-it's-cold! miles an hour.
... and just in case you hadn't noticed... the gremlins ate my 'comments' link...
Didn't figure out what was wrong till this afternoon... waiting on a response from the software outfit that provides that system, to tell me what I'll need to do to get it back working again... so... I'll just have to tell myself your all still reading... until I can get the system back online! :-)
Don't be surprised if you see a 'different look' to the 'Blog' part of the site in the near future... I've been considering a change to the whole blog software part of this deal for a while... but it just hasn't risen high enough in the priority list to get 'er done...
THIS... may be the push I needed to do something 'bout it... We shall see...
I shall return... but just now I'll be rollin' Lil' Red into the big city to pick up the Other half...
If you do need to make contact... before I get the comments working again... you can always use the contact page... or Twitter! :-)
Take Good Care
January 7, 2010 08:25 - Yup... More Changes to the RV Boondocking Blog is in the Wind
Like I said... been thinkin' of makin' some changes for quite a lil' while... just lacked the motivation to dive into it... 'cause it's deep into the 'technical' side of this computer commo deal... and no matter how long I do this... that technical side remains.... juuuuust out of reach for me! :-)
How-some-ever... when the outfit that was providing the 'commenting' ate it... THEY provided the boot in the butt to get me movin' I guess! :-)
I won't be able to start in on it 'till late this afternoon... gotta make another Denver run this morning... sheesh!
But then... over the next few days... I'll be workin' at gettin' the NEW Blog platform installed on this site... It'll likely look different, and it'll take me a lil' while to work out whatever kinks come with it... but in the end... it should be an improvement to my system here...
The new software has the comments and such... all built right into one program... so that should eliminate such gremlins in the future... and, it has a few other upgraded features, compared to what I've been using... so... as soon as I can knock the rust off my brain pan and get it all figured out... We'll be back in Shinin' Times! :-)
Then... goin' forward... my plan is to leave the 'Old' blog in place... the comments are gone... but the posts will all be there in sort of an "Old Blog Archive"...
I'll do the best I can to make the Nav Bar 'buttons' clear as to what they'll all be for... so watch for the "New" blog to Bookmark!
There should be, eventually, three Nav Bar "Blog" Buttons;
1. the NEW daily blog.
2. the "new and updated" pages
3. the "Old blog Archive"
So keep checkin' in to see how long it takes me to get the wires rerouted!
Take Good Care
January 8, 2010 07:42 - Well... Ain't this fun?
11 Below this morning... juuuust a mite cool... I remember chasin' cows in lovely spring weather like this... At least the sun is shinin' and the wind... ain't!
OK... So... remodeling the Fifth Wheel apparently wasn't enough... We needed more trials and tribulation.
I've got to go step off and remodel the Blog Too! :-) ... at least with the Fifth Wheel, there's some idea in my head of what I'm doin'! :-) This computer technology thing is a trip into a world, that after three years of 'publishing', I still don't have but little idea what happens, inside this contraption, when I push a button... ;-) only what comes out the other end...
... sometimes.
The deal with the "NEW" blog setup is this... I have to set up part in one place... and part in another... and then... It's kind of like that lil' kids game, where you tilt the card back and forth, trying to get the clowns eyes to roll into place?
... only the directions tell me to go to site 'A', copy a piece, take it over to site 'B'... and put it into the proper slot... then wait 48 hours to see if it 'took'... if it works, the blog which is actually waaaaaaay over there... is supposed to come up on the site.... like it is right here... and everything is sweet!
Uhhhhhhhh.... right...
So... now I'm in hour 14 or so of waiting...
Problem is... the piece at site 'A' is different than described... and the proper slot at the other place is called something different than what you were told... So I end up tryin' to make an 'educated guess'... But you don't know if you guessed right, for 48 hours or so... It's supposed to take that long for all the bits of information to filter their way through all the servers it's gotta wander through... before it gets back here...
Good thing I have to do this kind of 'stuff' very infrequently... truth be known... if it don't come together pretty quick... I'll just pay a few more dollars to have it done 'For Me'! :-)
and THAT is THE problem with computer technology... the geeks that set the stuff up talk in a jingo that nobody else understands. Makes it jusssst a lil' difficult to communicate...
Bottom line? I'll get the new blog set up... it actually exists now... I just can't make it show up HERE yet. :-) and the outfit that had been handling the 'comments' section has failed, after 48 hours to respond to me mail to them... so... everything is runnin' smoothly! :-)
Until it all shakes out... I'll just continue using this spot right here... and like I said... if you need to make contact... you can always use the contact page or twitter!
Take Good Care
January 9, 2010 08:25 - Working, Waiting, Pushing, Trying... and Farming Frustration...
... and ending up... three steps forward... two steps back... sometimes four...
Waiting for the 5er to warm up sufficient this morning to go start working on it today... So that I can distract my 'Overworking' mind from the 'Stuff' it spends Way too much time chewing on... all that 'stuff' a fella can't have any control of or seem to put any impact on... and is best just walked away from...
Having to push pretty hard the last few days... 'spect it's just 'winter doldrums'... but I'm just havin' difficulty gettin' my 'Working' parts fired up to work... My Gypsy itches are the most active just now :-) which causes some difficulty with doin' anything else! :-) I don't really want to be working now... my hunger is to be Yondering... Chasing the Freedom of the Road with Heidi...
A Dream that I'll not allow to wither... but...
Pushing hard... and not makin' much progress...
Just about the time I think I've made a decision about something that's been stewing for a while... somebody else comes along... throws some more "Info" at me... and I'm right back where I started... confused, indecisive and mired... aaaarrrrrrrgh!
I think maybe that's why I found Cowboyin' to be so satisfyin' for so long... There's not much confusion, second guessing or doubt... You get up in the morning, feed the animals, clean up their world, defend 'em from whatever comes at 'em... and go to bed... then... get up the next day, and continue down the trail...
Hard work... but simple.There's little that's ambiguous. Everything is plain and clear; "That coyote is stalkin' my calves... stalkin' my sheep"... BANG!... No more problem...
Water froze over... take out an axe, chop for a while... open water... No more Problem... Feed bunk empty... break open bales, spread hay... No more problem... Clear, Clean, Simple... and Honest... you end a day being able to SEE that you did good...
But the REST of the world? ..... AAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH!
Why does a man have to get NASTY to get just about ANY company to do what they should have done in the first place? and then they come at you with; "SEE? We did the right thing!" ... Like they should get a medal or some damn thing...
... Only... they didn't "Do The Right Thing"... until you had to get all cranked up and NASTY... and FORCE them to... and when you look the next time... yup... they're right back to their old tricks... They only do the right thing... if you can maintain the energy to maintain constant observation... and FORCE them to operate with integrity... and THAT... takes more energy than most people possess or can afford to dedicate to the effort... for damn sure more than I have.
... so I wander from one fight to another... getting BS'd... time after time... mostly 'cause I just don't want to fight...
I want to live, love and laugh... without having to constantly defend that LIFE against all the sorry games played by corporate and political parasites...
Can you tell I got up on the wrong side of the bed? :-) ... Oh well... A few days of various 'Outfits' jerkin' my chain and I'm fresh out of patience...
Guess I'll crank that coffee maker up again... turn up the Ol' reliable Ipod in that Ipod Dock Miss Heidi gave me for christmas... and HOPE John Denver can sing me into a better mood!
Geeze... if Starbucks, John Denver ... and Bob Seeger can't get the job done... I'm in Deep Bovine Vegtable Derivative! :-)
Too bad we don't have a wood stove in our present 'Cabin'... that was always a good thing back on the ranch... When your craw got all filled up with 'stuff'... you just went out to the wood pile... picked up a maul... and whanged away splittin' wood... an hour or so of that worked wonders for frustration and a bad mood! :-) ... and you had a goodly amount of split wood to boot!; to keep you warm for the rest of the day!
Take Good Care
January 10, 2010 08:55 - Plenty Goin' on... Some RV Remodel Good... Some Website frustration...and continuing Winter Blues!
Most of the GOOD was that I spent most of the day yesterday makin' some progress on the Fifth Wheel remodel. I got the new ALLURE vinyl flooring laid up in the bedroom area. Looks pretty good... at least to me! It's tough to get an 'angle' to get a good picture in that section...

We'd decided to go with a 'stone tile' look rather than wood... There's already a lot of wood in the RV... and... that grey tone will hide a lot of dirt... so I won't have to clean so much! :-)
The vinyl flooring we're using in our RV Remodel is called ALLURE... got it at Home Depot... Don't know that I've got enough to finish the job, now that we (I) decided to do the slide as well... but it sure goes down easy... pretty much just lay it next to the last one... and move along! You should pay attention to... and do some thinkin' 'bout, which way you're gonna lay it though. How you start... and end up... what with the 'adhesive strips, some looking up... some looking down... and whether you run down the floor the long way... or across it the short way... can have a big affect on how much you have to cut... and how much 'Waste' you have.
At something like $60 a box... I forget just now... you sure want to avoid much expensive waste!
It'll be a major step forward in keeping the rig clean in camp... being able to clean the floor with a broom and/or a mop is a whole lot better than 'pretending' to get it clean with some sort of a vacuum! :-) ... and I emphasize 'pretending' ... 'cause the truth is... ya'll got enough dirt hiding under your carpeting to grow a small garden in!
The frustration comes in with trying to deal with the 'Commenting' that dissappeared a few days ago... Seems the company that had provided that system got bought out by another... and they 'Upgraded' the system... That's nice...
... would have been nicer, if they'd let me know it was gonna happen... and I had the opportunity to get it done without an issue... seems they had that ability... only... I didn't get notified... so I didn't make the 'change' ... 'cause I hadn't no idea I had to... and ... ZAP! ... they deleted my comments... aaarrrggghhh!
So... I started hookin' up a blogger blog... which has built in comments... but it doesn't blend in as smoothly as what I had... and it's proving to be a mite recalcitrant in gettin' fully 'Hooked in'...
It actually appears in - one - place... you can see the button down at the bottom of the NAV BAR... it's the "daily-blog" button... and that's the only place it shows up... here on the blog... when it is, supposed to link into the NAV BAR... everywhere... an Odd lil' glitch I guess...
AW well... what would life be without challenges... right? :-)
So... Not sure exactly what I'm gonna do with it... Talkin' to a computer guy... working on 'other' solutions... waiting on the 'Commenting Service' to get back in touch to tell me what my options are there... I think everybody has to let things sit on their desks for 4 days or so and 'age'... before they can deal with 'em... apparently :-)
Somewhere, in the back of my head, is some sort of an idea on how to run two different 'blogs' here... on different themes or subjects.... I just can't get it to come clear... but I can hear it in there... bangin' and rattling around...
anyhoo... 'Commenting' will be gettin' back soon... as soon as I can get the info I need from the folks I need it from!
a few other things rockin' and rollin'... just not the time to mention just yet... So I Guess I'll just keep on pushin' through these 'Winter Blues'! :-)
Back to the rig... for more enjoyable distraction! I've got to decide... TODAY!... how I'm gonna deal with the Transition where that Allure vinyl flooring meets the inboard edge of the slide floor... Time for some Cowboy Engineering!
Take Good Care
January 11, 2010 07:47 - So much is happening... It's a Piece of work to keep it all sorted out and...
... Leave nothing forgotten by a cow stomped, army bruised, life marked, feeble Ol' Cowboy brain!
First... this lil' glitch with the "Commenting" part of the blog may turn out to be a lil' bit of a blessing in disguise. It would seem that 'someone else' has been watching me for the past year... and came to realize, that to get this Ol' cowboys attention... ya got to take a Boot... and whack him on the side of the head! :)
... Maybe twice!
I've had "ideas" floatin' for a long time... just never worked on 'em much... and they're still... fuzzy.
But... now I've been... WHACKED! :)
So... things are changing around here... but I've chosen to not simply change my program supplier... I'll likely be staying with my "Easy Blogs" program... just making "repairs and improvements" ... to what - Has Been Working - for a couple of years... hmmm ... kind of like what we're doin' with the Eagle ain't it? "Don't throw the good away... just cut off the bad parts and chow down!"... I won't be dropping this part out... but finding NEW ways to Add to it...
You may have noticed a new button, down at the bottom of the Nav Bar?... well... there - IS - "another" blog there now... It's what I was going to change to... in my frustration... but... calmer heads got me quieted down a mite before I completely tripped the trigger on that...
... BUT... so many 'buts'! :) ... I decided to leave that "New" blog there for the time being... There's that fuzzy, incomplete, idea floatin' around in the vast recesses of an empty head... so I'm gonna just let it percolate for a while... I'm thinkin' there's a good use I could put a 2nd "Blog" to... just not sure, exactly, what it is yet...
I put some ideas on that "other" one... so... we shall see what happens...
I believe that the "comments" will get returned here in the next day or two... I'm working with the provider to fix the glitch... It's just slow... emails back and forth and such... but it'll get done!
The thing is... I was gettin' kinda stagnant... again... losin' focus... and the lil' turmoil with the site and "other" things only serves... if ya let it... to stir things up and get a fella Movin' Again... a good thing.
I'm Holdin' my breath though... there's "things" workin' I just can't speak on right now... Besides the RV Remodel, Website Remodeling, Third Website designing, ,maintaining this place... Leather Shop Restarting work... Day job... Tryin' to outrun Heidi :) ... a few other tasks we're workin' on... and those "other things"... I'm runnin' hard!
... The part I really don't get is this; I'm LAZY!... I was Born Lazy... I've gotten lazyer ever' day since! ... so how the hell do I, ALWAYS, get myself into all this scramblin' around, goin' six different directions... what seems like 24/7/365? :)
Take Good Care
January 13, 2010 06:30 - OK Here We Go Again... Selling the House... Take 3
The "Other Things"...
We are now... as of yesterday afternoon... OFFICIALLY UNDER CONTRACT one - more - time... yeah... It's hard to not get our hopes up... but we've been here before... We want to get excited, but things are different now. :)
After three years of this ordeal... we just keep waiting for the "Other Foot" to drop and kick us in the kiester one more time... so we work at not getting TOO exctied... but ... :) ... this deal seems the most solid of 'em all. Just a straight deal... no goofy demands and concessions ... just a straight; "here's my price...well... here's what I'll pay... OK... we got a deal." kind of thing. So we feel a bit more confident.
The other thing that's changed in the last three years is just a general whuppin' of our finances... Like we're alone in that, right? :)
Bottom line is... once we get closed on this, we can't just hitch up and go... We're planning on spending a few more months working like we are. The price of the house, down nearly a hundred grand, is not gonna do the job that was planned for it three years ago...
How-some-ever... the Dream survives and with a HUGE change (huge for a $700 a month and found cowboy) in our monthly "cash flow" as the big result of gettin' free of this lovely place... we'll be able to make some pretty major "repairs" to our situation each month... so each month we'll be gettin' stronger and stronger...
Even if we still can't just Step Off on our Full time for a bit... we'll soon be able to get back on the RV Boondocking road in some nice circles... and barring any more Major Bonehead decisions... the Big Dream is a Lot Closer this morning! Sweet!
2010 is gonna be one year of Shining Times! It started changing for us, a few weeks back... and I do believe, as a result of "Lessons Learned" these past couple years... and especially this past year, the Shining Times are here and will continue.
Amazing what getting your "priorities" and "Values" put into proper and CLEAR perspective can do for SHINING TIMES! :) You think you're goin' the right way... only... Life has a way of getting things so twisted and confused you wake up at night and wonder what in the hell is goin' on?!
My only advice has to be... look close... build a solid, clear and simple picture in your head, of those few "Things" of any true importance... always remembering that the "Things" of importance... aren't "THINGS" at all... and then, kind of like a sculptor... work at cutting away all those, other things, that aren't a part of your picture.
Easier said than done... but... it looks like we're makin' it... and I know you can. We didn't quit... even when it got darkest and bleakest... Don't you either!
I told you... 2010 is gonna be one SWEET YEAR for us... for us ALL! ... NOBODY gets left behind... :-)
... last lil' bit... as you can see... my 'vendor' hasn't gotten me the 'fix' yet for the 'comments'.... arrrrggggghhhh! They claim it's not a big deal... I just have to be patient.. UH.... OK... what are they doin'?... if things are as slow for 'business' as ever'body is sayin'... fix it today... not - Next Week! Just Do it!...
... and to me... it is a "BIG DEAL"... I enjoy reading your comments... it helps keep me grounded and focused... I miss 'em! arrrrrggggghhhh!
... and that 2nd blog I have started... "Daily Blog"... is still there at the bottom of the Nav Bar... and I still haven't come to a decsion how to use that... just seems to me there's some really good use for that... just have to keep my Cowboy Imagination workin' and I'll come up with something... If you have a need to leave a comment... there is a comment link at the bottom of the post area there... You can leave a post there until I finally get that fixed here...
Until later... we're Under Contract... finally on the "Move" again... workin' to get the rig "livable"... quickly! :-) ... and many more tasks to get done... so I better get to work!
Take Good Care
January 14, 2010 09:07 - WooHoo! "Comments" is fixed!
Aw ain't it great when a "plan" comes together?
... Just wish I HAD one! :-)
Whew! Runnin' nine-oh and what little hair is left is burnt to a curly cinder!
Just a quick note and then it's off to "work" I go! ... The Fiver is warmin' up for todays work... hittin' the balance of the Allure flooring install... Some folks are concerned that "Floating" flooring won't hold still in an RV... I'd have to say there's nothing to worry about there... there's not really anywhere for it to go... unless of course the walls fall off! :-)
You only leave something like an 1/8 or a 1/4 of an inch flex space in there, which gets covered over with some 1/4 round or other 'Moulding' of your choice... and the stuff is fairly heavy... so it's not like it's gonna go bouncin' around... and if it does?
... maybe you should reconsider where you've been draggin' your rig? :-)
I've got little time to get it all done though! I've NOW... got to not only finish this RV Remodel... but get things ready to go with the Big House!
Geeze... maybe I should have done this RV Remodel three years ago... employing "Murphys Law" seems to have worked pretty good! :-)
Heidi is gonna do some 'repacking' of our precious can't-haul-it-to-the-dump 'stuff' today.. we're takin' it out of cardboard boxes and puttin' it into some plastic totes she got on a heavy discount at Wally World... Thinkin' that will let us stack it tighter in a smaller (cheaper) storage space... and keep errant rats out of our precious treasures...
Which of course have been in boxes, unseen, for years... and are looking at years more. :-) ... truly precious... Huh?
One thing she will be doin' though that makes a lil' sense is dividing her closet into two sets... cool season and warm season... one of which she'll keep in storage... then she can just swap out 'sets' as we roll through (eventually) on our Jillian Grand kid 'checks'... in the spring... and in the fall! :-)
Me?... I got one set... and not much of that... it gets hotter I take off more... uh... to a point... and colder... I turn that lil' knob on the wall higher!
Still cogitatin' on a good use for that "Other" blog I've got waitin' over there... a few ideas... just absolutely no dang time right now to tinker with it! :-)...
Time to get my broke down cowboy butt to layin' floorboards!
Test out the comments! Make sure they work again! :-)
Take Good Care
January 15, 2010 07:10 - The RV Remodel Flooring Replacement is Making Progress
Spent most of yesterday putting in much of the 'main floor'. This part takes quite a bit of time... at least for an ol' buster like me... lots of 'cutting in' and fitting bits here and there.
I had to cut angles and notches to fit around cabinets and ducting vents... that is the 'slow' part... but I'm pretty happy with it... only screwed up one 'plank'... but still found a place to use most of that! ... yadda yadda yadda...

I'm one who tries to use all the lil' bits and pieces of pretty much anything... so I'm sittin' there flipping pieces around... tryin' to figure out the 'puzzle', so I don't have any waste... Only... with this kind of vinyl flooring, that comes in 'planks'... it has adhesive strips down each side, and each end... one set pointing up... the other down...
... so you have to have the 'RIGHT' orientation... but if you Think about it before you cut... you can minimize the amount of trash you create! :-)

I have one box of flooring left... which will cover most of the slide floor... and I believe I've decided on a 'transition' strip design, for the edge of the slide, that will work for me... maybe not as 'flashy' as some fine cabinetry... but... I think it will function and look good enough... for the girls I dance with!
I'm workin' on a page for the 'RV Remodel' section... but that's gonna be a few days... seems like I have 'other' things to do! :-)
One lil' issue I have is that I'm 'bout a 1/2 a box short of these Allure vinyl flooring 'planks'. It wasn't until after we ordered the tile that I decided to replace the carpet in the slide as well... so I have to go order another box to finish this bit of work... great timing... what with the House Sale working now as well...
... and oh... did I remind you?... We go to Tucson for the Gem and Mineral show every year in February... Been going for that last 12 years I think for Heidi's store... so... Oh look! It's February in about two weeks! :-)
This is gonna be a busy six weeks... for sure and for certain!
House Inspection appointment this morning... more floor work to do... boxes to pack/repack... and 14 other things have to get done... yesterday! so I'm hittin' the trail... wish I wasn't already out of breath!
Take Good Care
January 16, 2010 08:04 - Lil' Sis Beat Me To It!
My Sister had the packers at her house back in Maryland... the day we got our contract...
Her ordeal was much like ours... two years for her of fallin' prices, and collpased sales... with their Dreams on hold... but... they kept the faith and this mornin' were pullin' out of somewhere in Tennesee... headin' for their 'new' life in Arizona.
I've been thinkin' that all this economic trial and tribulation... has NOT been a bad thing... I know, I know... but think on it...
We... as a people have gotten waaay too hung up on things and stuff. The real value in this life... and in this world is each other...
I think, for what it's worth... that this year... and the following years can be the best ever... if we just LET 'EM BE! It's my thought that all this difficulty we've all been hung up on is the wakeup call... the event to refocus ourselves on living with a clear perception of what's real and what's just window dressing.
If we stay hung up on our junk we'll Stay stuck in that same old cancerous trap... If we step off... chasing art... chasing music... chasing Life... chasing Each Other :-) Aw... it can be fine people! ... the ONLY thing that'll keep life from being that glorious trip... is US! We ... I... can't blame anyone but ourselves... (myself) if we don't do it right.
These past couple years have sure changed me... and I believe for the better... fact is... I was haulin' around a lot of... 'Manure'... I've spoke of this before... but that vision is clearer than ever... maybe I wasn't listening well enough to my own words. :-)
Ok... enough of that for today... I gotta go Haul herself to town for to run the store... then get some floor trim... chlorinate the well... set the trim... repack some boxes... meet a guy who's interested in some of the 'RV Furniture' we tore out of the rig... and none of it is gettin' done with me sittin' here yakkin'! :-)
So... ya'll have a Shiny Day... and I'll get my lazy butt to work!
Take Good Care
January 18, 2010 06:40 - RV Remodel and House Sale...
Each Day we seem to be takin' a few lil' steps getting us closer and closer to finishing our RV Remodel and our House Sale.
A few days ago I lined the dog food bin in those new storage steps I built with the same gooey junk I've used on other projects... it's called "through the roof".
Dries in a clear, flexible way that should keep the oils in the dog food from soakin' into the wooden bin.
Then, yesterday, those storage steps got their Varnish... followed by putting down the remainder of the flooring I had. Came up 7 planks short... OOPS!
Truth be told, it was a pretty certain sure thing I would. The original plan was to leave that carpet in the slide, and changing that meant more vinyl... so that won't get finished for about another week, until the extra box I ordered gets here. That'll make box number 7, for a total, not including the storage steps and lil' bit of trim, of about $441 for the new vinyl RV Flooring.
It's lookin' good too!... and then... day before yesterday, I stopped by a place where I thought Iwas gonna get the wood to create the idea I had for the transition strip I need for the inboard edge of the slide. Juuuuust about had what I needed picked up when I started, or I should say 'he' started, a random conversation with a guy, talkin' 'bout what I was up to.
This guy just made a face and shook his head... He didn't think my solution would work very well, he had doubts about the durability (which being honest have been naggin' me too!)... but then... he did something I like to hear if somebody is gonna shoot down what you're doin'... He made a reeeeeeaaaaaly good suggestion for an alternative... and runnin' a lil' test yesterday... HIS idea is gonna work well and I believe look good too. Sweet!
I'm havin' a small problem locating just the 'version' of the solution he suggested... but as soon as I find that sucker... I'll get pics and let ya'll in on the secret.
But... until then... If you're wonderin' how to deal with that transition between the slide floor... and the fixed floor... I believe we've come up with just about the perfect option! So hang fire for a short... and I'll lay it all out. :-)
All sorts of small 'progresses' happenin'. The house inspection has been done... don't know if he found anything yet.. all he would tell me was he didn't find anything 'major'... so we'll see on that...
Late yesterday a fella stopped by and bought the jacknife couch I pulled out of the Eagle... so I'm guessin' we can't get any more committed to replacing it!
Paper work gettin' shuffled...
There's a couple of 'deadline' dates comin' up... one real important one... the appraisal... so we're still sittin' in the crosshairs... but honestly, feelin' a lot more confident, this time around.
So,till later...
Take Good Care
January 19, 2010 18:37 - RV Furniture...
We thought we'd had our new 'couch' picked out for the Eagle... but... I've been unable to verify the 'integrity' of the outfit that has it... and the fact that they've not got a physical address published... anywhere... makes me nervous enough... that I'll do my RV Furniture shopping elsewhere.
I called and talked to 'em a couple days ago... to get some specifics on configuration and function... You know, it makes lil' sense to have people answer the phone number ya'll specifically list as your "Information" line... if they have no idea what you're talkin' about... So... we're Shoppin' again...
Makes little difference just now... We couldn't get a replacement couch/chairs here in time anyway... considerin' all there is to do... so it's likely we'll be utilizin' a couple of folding chairs for a bit... as temporary RV Furniture... when we get pulled out of here... :-)
Hey... never know... we might just get hooked on that kind of austere, cowboy minimalism! :-) ... and we already have THOSE chairs!
I am looking at a few pieces built by the Flexsteel outfit... I've been hoping I could find something here in Colorado... but there don't seem to be any NEW inventory anywhere outside of Elkhart! ... outside of a couple of things down at Camping world... which...of course... dont' tickle my whiskers...
It's hell bein' a picky Ol' geezer... but... I'm stubborn too... so I'll figure it out... eventually.
Now... how about some RV Boondocking entertainment and recreational activities? Any mystery... or crime Novel readers out there?
A few days ago, Rex Kusler ( a reader of this site for some lil' while) posted a comment that he'd found what seemed to be a good publisher for ebooks... He's written a Mystery/Crime Novel called Punctured. Any of ya'll who like such stories might want to give it a look-see... You can read a goodly portion of it right there... to see if you might enjoy the balance enough to pay for it... The system is set up to let you download in a wide variety of formats... so you should be able to find one that works for you.
It was his thought that I might be interested in the publisher, since I've been looking for a way to publish my lil' books... as well as the full scale 'Western Novel' I've already got penned ... and the second "Modern Western" I'm workin' on!
I do believe he's on to something... been lookin' over the outfit and like what I see... so... piled onto my to-do list is gettin' to work settin' up my work to run through their system... my hope is... that this outfit will participate in the reconstruction of our finances after the recent whuppin's we've taken.
Finding a publisher with integrity, ability, and simplicity, would go a long way toward helping me to pump up my RV Boondocking 'workamping' efforts by way of getting my writing out there a bit. This e-book evolution happening in books and writing could be a really sweet thing for all the aspiring writers out there... I wonder how many J.K. Rowlings have been blocked by the almost impossible difficulty of gettin' a reasonably decent book into print?
It'd be a fine thing if the opportunity got created for them to get their work out there in front of people... as the reward for their effort... and let the market decide... Though it should still take no less hard work to make it happen... It'd just be nice to be able to have a lil' stronger confidence that your hard work will be rewarded by actually being published...
... lastly... after I don't know how long... ( a year?) I finally calculated how to upload a software update for the blog... One of the things it's supposed to do is let me put multiple 'tags' on each post... Since... scattered as I am, there's seldom a single topic for each post... it should make finding different subjects that I scribble about easier to find...
... :-) so... another thing added to my to-do list... go back through, the Boss only knows how many posts, and retag the posts with all that's in 'em! :-)
Yeah... don't hold your breath on that one! It'll be a while! :-)
Take Good Care
January 21, 2010 07:44 - Busy Day Planned...Working on House stuff... RV Remodel stuff... and Internet Stuff
Start off with a Realtor meeting... the 'House inspector' has a few things... that need attention... as always... what we're talkin' 'bout is $$$ arrrrrgggghhh! :-) ... Aw well... at this point... whatever it takes to get the job done to regain our Freedom, I'll pretty much do it... Starting over can be such a pain some times!
This time though... the rewards are HUGE! :-) RV Boondocking in pure Freedom... On the Open Road!... and when the rig gets too 'close'... climb on a Fine Motorcyle and straighten out some twistes! Sweet!
With the realtor meeting out of the way we've got some banking... some hunting for that 'special piece' I've discovered I need to complete the RV Flooring installation... Then Do some furniture shopping again... and mid afternoon... Heidi has some business to attend to at the Tooth Mechanic...
We're gonna make a final effort or two to locate, as locally as we can, a couch similar to the one we'd found back east... The main problem is that regular 'house' type furniture is built a bigger 'outside' size than RV Furniture... and since 'size does matter' ... sorry... couldn't resist... I'm tryin' hard to conserve what space there is... as well as keep the weight down...
Our fall back is FLexsteel RV Furniture. There's several reputable outfits marketing that. It's more money... but... the quality for what we need seems to be there too... so in terms of "pay me now"... or "pay me later"... paying NOW generally turns out to be the cheaper, lower hassle way of goin'.
You never know... we may just stumble across the perfect lil' couch that will slide right into the ... uh... Slide!
As far as setting up our Next Tow Vehicle... I'm NOT about to repeat the bonehead move I made in '06 when we bought Big Red... thinking we'd only be makin' payments for a couple months... DOH! ... and three years later we were still suckin' wind... ooooph!
Once we get closed here... we've got enough friends with gooseneck equipped pickups, One of 'em will move the 5er to temporary quarters... and THEN we'll hunt up the replacement Tow Vehicle... Things have gotten thin enough I've got no desire to hang myself out in the wind once again! :-)
This time 'round... we're takin' things reeeeeaaaaal slow... The word is s-t-e-p c-a-r-e-f-u-l-. one lil' step at a time... uh... that was two words whudn't it...oops!
anyway... Feels like I'm tryin' to land a 40 lb. catfish on 3 lb. fishing line...
Soft hands! Pull it in... reeeeeeeaaaaaaalllll easy! :-) Make no Bonehead moves this time!
Ok... has anyone noticed the 'Remodeled' Nav Bar? That was a lil' accessory SBI! made available a bit ago... I'm hopin' havin' things divided up under a few headings will make it a mite easier to find things you might be lookin' for... Whud-a-ya-think?
Seems folks are startin' to think 'bout RV's and Wanderin' some more... The 'winter dip' in traffic I've come to expect was pretty short... and it's lookin' like... cross my fingers... I may hit a 'new record' number of Visitors this month... busting through the Old 10,000 visitors set last June! Sweet!... I wonder, do ya think folks are just weary of all the 'stuff' hittin' 'em from every direction?... and maybe they just want to spend some time wrappin' their heads around more pleasant ideas?
Works for me!... and I've got more website 'stuff' in the works. Just hope the Fire, don't burn up my 'irons' ... before I got the time to get to 'em!
Anyway... I better keep up my 'housekeeping' and make sure ya'll have a nice, neat, website to visit when you get here! That's what reworkin' the Nav Bar was about... making it easier on you folks, to find your way 'round here.
Time to ride...
***edit... I keep forgettin' to ask... over there... at the bottom of the Nav Bar... is that "dormant blog" I built in amongst all the 'busted comments' didoe... So... I carved out a "New" Logo/Top Image when I built it... Anybody have an opinion? which do ya'll like better? the One on the "Dormant Blog" ... or the one straight up at the top of this page?... Kinda Curious... I'm obliged for any comments/opinions
Take Good Care
January 22, 2010 08:21 - I'm juuuuuust a lil' bit Cross Eyed...
... Yesterday... Didn't go according to plan... which is likely a good thing. Hell, if a day went just as I'd layed it out... I'd likely have some sort of a siezure from the SHOCK of it! :-)
The realtor took longer than expected... what's new!...lil' bit of heartburn there... but nothing catastrohic... just the usual pain-in-the-caboose stuff... But... When I got back to the house to pick up herself, I had a Hammerin' Headache...
So kinda bleary eyed, I grabbed a bottle out of the cabinet and choked down a couple of big blue pills...
Not THOSE kind of blue pills... I ain't that lucky! :-) those are supposed to be lil' ones anyhoo... Naw these were aspirin pills...
Only... they weren't of your ever'day kick the headache sort... These here were the P.M. kind. All I knew was my head was bangin' like a semi with 18 square tires.
Well... I had some difficulty gettin' Heidi to her Tooth Mechanic... and then I mostly sat in the parking lot... Sleepin'. Those P.M.ers had me nodding like a drunken bobble head doll! :-) .... didn't realize what happened till I got home to take another couple of tabs to fight the noise in my head... and spotted the P.M. part on that bottle... OOPS!
Point is... didn't get much of the list accomplished... workin' too hard just tryin' to keep my eyes open!... so we're gonna go back after some of that today...
But... Last night... after that 'Stuff' wore off a bit... I continued to march on some of my "Website Housekeeping" around here... I Hope you noticed? :-)
After building that "New" blog a week or so ago... (The 'Dormant' one I've not conjured the proper use for yet!) I've looked at it a few times and decided I like the color and such on it a lot better... They seem to make it a lil' easier to read... and I think they just look better... at least to me anyways... and... I... Like Paulette... Think the "New" Goin' RV Boondocking Logo is a lot 'Purdier' ! :-)
The thing is... when you change stuff like that... you gotta change bits and pieces in a whole bunch of lil' nooks an' crannies... in a bunch of different places... and it's all camouflaged by a bunch of computer geek gobbledy gook... punch the wrong button and you make changes you had no intention of doin'... and then you gotta be able to have your mind lead your fingers back to the place you punched the wrong button... so you can fix it...
uh... we ALL know what sort of condition this Ol' Busters mind is in... so ... can you see the difficulty? :-)
Anyway... oustide of a few pages where the advertising is still the wrong color... I THINK I found most of it...
and Yeah... I know the Logo at the top of the blog is stretched a bit... compared to the rest of the site... it's something wierd in the blog software... was like that with the 'other' logo too... I may find a cure for it one day... just now? ... it's a long way from my heart! :-)
What do ya think of how things look so far?
So... with a fresh outlook... we're hittin' the road again today... To try and knock off Yesterday's "To Do" list!
Take Good Care
January 23, 2010 08:28 - Remodel Your RV ... AND... Still Be Frugal?
Yup... and I think we hit that mark pretty good yesterday.
First... I'd call it frugal to do an RV Renovation on a rig rather than trading it off.
Sometimes, over time, you change a mite, and what you want out of your rig changes right along with your outlook. It stands to reason that you'll want to adjust it to fit your 'changing landscape'. Now, I, for one, don't look at bein' Frugal as doin' without... I see it as getting the most out of what you've got.
If you think things out first you can get the rig you want by modifyin' the one you Have, a heck of a lot cheaper, than enduring the cost of trading and/or buying new... and that's 'getting the most out of your dollar! :-)
That's one big reason we made the decision to keep Our, comin' 10 year old Jayco, rather than selling it off... There were a few things we'd wanted differrent in
a 'New' rig... and putting pencil to paper said we could get those things for a lot fewer dollars, doing this RV Remodel than starting from scratch.
Now... as always... you start off toward a goal, and things often change along the way... and there have been lil' tweaks here and there as I've worked. No
problem... You just shift gears, twist the throttle and go for it!
The stairs required more work than originally thought. I had to competely build new ones, rather than just hinging the treads to build storage compartments...
Then I decided to replace all the carpet, and not leave any in the slide... a few bugs here and there to work out... and, all along the way, I've been trying to keep cost in mind.
So... now we come to the couch. I'd been thinking we'd spend maybe $850-$900 bucks... but... it started looking like it could go $1500-2000 to get what we wanted.
... and what we wanted was a Dual recliner design. Found one back east that by the time we got it here, with shipping, it'd be over the $1500 mark... The big furniture stores had stuff... but mostly way to big, or just not the 'right' design for us... each time we looked at a piece... something kept whisperin' to me... "Wait on it... you have some time... Wait on it"... so I did.
Yesterday, we went to Denver... see the Daughter and that Baby Bronc Rider... Ran by Camping World and some other places... scouting for 'that' couch.
Not much luck... found a few things... everything was north of $1,500 bucks... and none of 'em would get that lil 'voice' to clam up. Now I gotta tell you... hearing voices all the dang time can get to be a mite irritating!
Heading home we pulled into Costco... to pick up a load of groceries and some store supplies... and there goes that Lil' voice again... "Yoooo Hoooo... I'm over heeerrrreee!... Look at me!"... Huh?
So... while Heidi loaded up the groceries I went to wandrin' around... and whud-a-ya think? Bingo! That couch! :-)
The thing with Costco is... if you see something you like, grab it now... 'cause it ain't gonna be 'round long... and they generally don't restock the same thing for long.
Anyhoo... we found a genuine leather, wall hugging, dual recliner of the right size and color... and not $2000, not $1500... not even $850... This lil' beauty is $500 bucks! one third the price... and looks to be pretty nice quality... Heck... one single Euro type chair we saw... they wanted $1500 for including the ottoman...
I'd call this some Frugal RV Remodeling wouldn't you? :-) Point is... be patient... keep your eyes open... and be ready to take advantage of an opportunity when it pops up! Look in the unexpected places... and Hold Out for what you want!
We were in Lil' Red though... and of course... even a love seat recliner ain't gonna squeeze in there... so headin' back down, this mornin', with a borrowed truck to pick 'er up.
Oh yeah! Shining Times are comin' fast... for sure and for certain!...
Can't ya just see it?
Pushin' a fine motorcycle through the twisties on a misty morning... to a long High Lonesome hike... and then ridin' back... to kick back in my leather recliner, sippin' a cool cowboy Koolaid... parked in our High Mountain Meadow Camp! Sweet!
Take Good Care
January 25, 2010 06:57 - RV Boondocking Blog Remodel is Still in 'Transition'
A while back I said things around here would be... or are... changing... I had a fuzzy idea how it would... but it's taking a while for the fog to clear...
I... think... I can see a mite farther now :-)
I was ready, when I had the 'comments' difficulty, to chuck the 'Easy blog' software I've been using for a couple years and change horses... but calmer heads got me to 'see the light' and as you can see...I did not do that... after all, Easy Blog has helped me build up to the 10,000 +- visitors I get here every month!
... and the way it blends into the SBI! system... it has a LOT of attributes, that would be foolish for me to just dump, only 'cause I'd had a lil' tantrum!
But... with me there's always a but! :-) ... something has been itchin' for a while... a lil' different way of doin' things that would work out pretty sweet... I believe... and it involved settin' up a second blog which I did... and it's been sittin' down there at the bottom of the Nav Bar for a couple weeks... lonely and abadoned! ...
I could have done the same thing with easy blog... and just fired up another blog... But!... :-)
One of the things about that "New" blog is... I can set it up... so that I can post from a Cell Phone! ... Something that is No-can-do with my Easy Blog system... Kind of like that lil' Twitter Gizmo... only instead of the hard limit on how big the message can be... I can e-mail pretty much whatever I want... and post pics too...
I'm thinkin' that THAT is a pretty shiny way for this ever more electronically infected Cowboy to "Post from the Road"... :-)
Now... ya wanna hear me use a complicated word? :-) I read another blog a bit ago... and that feller was talkin' how he has 'integrated' his working and his living... THAT... Integrated part... caught my attention... It hit me that what he was sayin' is exactly what I've been trying to do for some lil' while... It's actually how I think 'bout Workamping... Living... Working... and Camping... all wrapped up into one Fine... Shiny... Package... That's what he means by "Integrated"... right? :-)
And to juice it all up... "Posting from the Road"... is getting so much closer now... fingers tightly crossed! :-) it's improving my outlook some lil' bit!... another lil' attribute of such a system will be that... if I can actually do that... When I take a Motorcycle Tour... It's one heck of a lot easier to carry a fancy phone on a scooter... than it is a laptop! ...
But you know... it is pretty pathetic... when you see a bald headed, goteed (sp?) pussgutted, bow legged, stove up Ol' buster... bumpin' buttons on his phone... with his thumbs... and gigglin' like a 14 year old... texting to the person sittin' across the table! :-) ...
... What'd that kid tell his Dad?; ... "That's just Wrong! Dad!" :-)
Anyhoo... that's what looks to be in the works sometime in the comin' couple of weeks...
THIS blog will become what I'm planning on bein' a "REVIEW" blog of Equipment and such... and/or an "RV Boondocking Campsite" list...
... and the "NEW" blog will take over as the Daily and/or "ROAD BLOG"
... and! ... I'm thinking... that I'll be doing kind of the same sort of deal... on both sites... Here will be the lead off and then I'll build the same kind of setup over on Motorcycle Touring the Good life... for all those folks that are Scooter Oriented :-) and THAT ought to give me plenty to do to keep me goin' as a Workamping, word butchering, Leather smashin', Wind Splitting, Road Warrior.. don't you think? :-)
I'll be sure to post all sorts of announcements... signs... and notices so ya'll know exactly what the Devil that crazy Ol' Geezer is up to!
Take Good Care
January 26, 2010 06:56 - Is it TOO Cold To Ride A Motorcycle on These Colorado High Plains?
Weather Underground says it's 7.9 degrees here... and 14 in Greeley... Hmmm...
Wonder if it's gonna be a cold ride to the Hardware store today... or... is Ol' Slick even gonna start? :-) That Ol' Yamaha V Star is sittin' in the shop... so I think he'll start... and it is supposed to climb up in to low end of the 40's today... so I should be able to come back home. I'll keep my fingers crossed. I'll know the 'first' part in 'bout 45 minutes! :-)
This will likely be one of the last posts here in this location... I think! ... I'll be moving the daily/road blog... to the daily/road blog "Blog" in the next several days...
Then... THIS blog is slated to become an RV News and a General RV Review blog! How's that for High Falutin! ... Yessir! That Ol' Geezer is full of himself :-)
and then... and then... and THEN! :-) What I'm thinkin' on and purty much figurin' on... is settin' up yet another section under the "Blogs" heading that will be for listing any and all RV Boondocking Camps we find... What I'll do is make each of the Western States a "Category" and then subdivide those into quarters...
So... you should be able to click on the part of a state you're interested in... and maybe find a place for the night... or a week...
I can post the locations, a pic, a description of; if it's an overnight or long term camp... the cost, or if it's "Pure" (no $ dispersed/no fee)... how far to where ever... yadda yadda yadda...
That will be a mite into the future though... for once we get to rollin'... I know of a bunch of good spots... I can drive right to... but I sure as the devil can't TELL you how to get there... It'd be kinda like; " Well you drive down this here road fer a spell... and then, when you see this big tree just past a rock you keep goin' for a lil' bit and then... pull off on the wide spot near the open area just past the other tree..."
I KNOW where they are... I just can't TELL you where they are! :-)... so I'll have to get into the routine of rememberin' some details 'bout where I am... so I can offer 'em up to let ya'll know... where to go!
Whud-a-ya-think? useful? any ideas?
I'll get to gittin'... got a chilly ride a comin'
Take Good Care
January 27, 2010 07:05 - Cold Again this Morning...
Buuuut.... I just can't stay off that Motorcycle! :-) ... since it ain't supposed to start snowin' till dark... and I get off at Two... I'll roll 'er again today!
Maybe you've noticed... but I've started... slowly... movin' the Daily Blog over to the "Daily/Road Blog" that resides... for the time being at the bottom of the Nav Bar... I'll be gettin' that moved to the top shortly...
I've started postin' there... but posting here as well... to try and get ever'body up to speed on what I'm doin'. So... you might bookmark my "New" blog page... or do whatever it is you do when you come back here... :-)
But also... keep an eye on THIS spot as well... I've got some plans for it... I'm hopin' I can get 'em worked out... If I do... it should be a pretty good deal... for all of you... and ... hopefully for me! :-)
I'm also tryin' to work out possibly another page that I will become a Boondocking Campsite list... Just haven't settled on the 'Best' way to do that...
So... check that 'other' page, RV Boondocking Daily Blog... or use the "Daily/Road Blog button on the Nav Bar...
... and I'll see you again... soon as I get clear of the Hardware Store! :-)
Take Good Care
January 28, 2010 08:12 - And My RV Boondocking World Spins on...
Well... more work done... more changes made...
The "New" blog is now at the Top of the Nav Bar... and its' button is now called the "Daily Ramblings Blog" ! :-)
The "Old Blog"... This one... I'm planning on using as an "RV News" and Likely a "Gear and Equipment Review"...
and then... sometime in the hopefull close up future, I'm going to start one last "Blog" on this site to create a List of "Boondocking Camps" that folks can use to supplement what they're already using... That one will take some time to collect the sites... but I do believe that itself should be some Shining Times! :-)
So... Look at the Daily Ramblings Blog, I just put up one of my 'windy' posts this morning... and bookmark it... 'cause that's where I'll be doin' my "General Rambling" from now on! :-)
'Commenting' is available in both places, so if you've got something to get off your chest... fire away! :-)
Many Thanks for comin' by folks. You've made this trip a pure Joy!
Take Good Care
January 30, 2010 09:46 - More Progress... More Changes!
Don't know if you noticed... I just did it... The Nav Bar Button for this page is now "News and Reviews"... and I've added two categories, "RV News, and RV euipment reviews into the Category index...
I'll be looking for anything that fits into those categories... that is interesting... or 'curious', and I'll do my best to let ya'll know 'bout it right here.
I expect it'll take me a lil' while to find the places, to find the information and such... but it'll keep me out of trouble... right? I believe this page will grow and evolve into something that should be a right enjoyable part of my site...
and that said...
The comments section will be staying put... so you'll be able to take part in the conversation, suggest something... or let us all know something you have heard or seen that would affect all us RVers and RV Boondocking in general.
and of course... if you have a whole story to tell... go to the Visitors Stories page... or one of the links at the bottom of my posts and tell us! :-)
... and there's something... if you've got an idea, about stories or articles you'd like to hear about... on some other thing... related to what we talk about here... you might mention that in a comment as well... a good idea can easily be included in the list of Visitors Stories!
so... I've got chores to get done today...
You have a fine day... and I'll 'see' you tomorrow!
Take Good Care
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