As you may have noticed, my RV Boondocking News blog is a little out of wack. It should look just like the rest of my site but you already know that ain't so!I am working on it but it may take a couple days for this ol' hand to work the kinks out of this contraption. It's some new software I've got hooked in to do this, what I hope will be, daily travel blog. A gal I know is trying to give me directions over a forum, but heck, she talks about that html code like it was plain and simple .............. It ain't that way for me I swear! Please bear with me while I stretch this ol' brain just a little bit more! and figure out where things are wired wrong!
In the meantime I can still visit a mite!
This last bit, as we work to get out on the road RV Boondocking, is proving to be the toughest. between getting rid of junk and trying to get this house sold in a really lousy market, things have gotten just a little bit tense a time or two!
I've got to sharpen my pencil and rework the budget some! We're working hard to sell the place but it just ain't a fun deal. This real estate market is giving us some pretty good bruises for sure! Oh well, life in the west I guess!
The light at the end of our tunnel is the freedom we know up in the mountains in a boondock camp.
For me RV Boondocking is second only to Cowboyin' on a good horse in far country.
I so desperately love it. Just now, knowing I will make it back to that freedom is what's keeping me putting one foot in front of the other. That and a woman who has put up with me for nearly 30 years!
The only advice I can give to anyone planning to go full-time is (1)one, don't wait to start preparing and my number (2)two tip is: don't wait to start preparing!
The more time you can give yourself to overcome all the obstacles that for sure and for certain are going to crop up
as you prepare to make your break the less likely those obstacles will be much difficulty!
Till another day, travel safe and watch the sunrise!
Hello!Took me just a little while to struggle through the "technology" but I done 'er and the RV Boondocking "daily" blog for my website is now online! If you hadn't guessed you are reading my first "blog" entry. Quite a deal for a broken down old cowboy!
We are still working to get the house sold so we can leave, but as you all know the housing market is a little less prime than she was a bit ago! We took too long getting the brick and mortar place finished and ready to sell so now we pay the price I guess.
Anyway, we will be hitting the road soon (one way or the gol' durn other!) and I will be posting all the fresh RV Boondocking information, stories of our travels and misadventures right here!
I'm awful impatient to be on the road RV Boondocking, so if you have any conversations with the man upstairs, any help you can get him send our way would be greatly appreciated!
I'm still struggling just a mite with this "blog" technology. Stretching my old brain pretty tight. I expect things on it might be a little off, or slow for a bit! So give me a little while to really get the hang of it! While it will be a daily blog, in the future, of our RV Boondocking Adventures it will likely be a touch less than that until we manage to break loose from this place.
Anyway, please, come back and check up on us now and again!