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Miscellaneous RV Ramblings

RV Ramblings is where you'll find all my mental wanderings of no particular subject, but usually having some sort of connection to RVing... sort of!

I'm juuuuuust a lil' bit Cross Eyed...
WooHoo! "Comments" is fixed!
So much is happening... It's a Piece of work to keep it all sorted out and...
Working, Waiting, Pushing, Trying... and Farming Frustration...
Another Blow is a Blowin'
A Whole New RV Boondocking Decade!
Christmas Wishes 2009
Ahhhh.... Winter in Colorado
The RV Remodel is Suspended...
The Forest Service is Proposing a Radical Change of Policy...
Antelope... working on the Rig... and Working on Workamping...
"Standin' on a Corner in Winslow, Arizona..."
Hopin' for Some Sunny Days
Turning is the Issue!
Sunny Days... much goin' on... and much to do!
All You Southern RVers... Got Heat?
Hmmm... Motorcycles... and the refusal to keep 'em fueled...
Don't do this at home all you RVers! :-)
October Snow... Frugal Living and Ramblin' Fevers...
Heidi and Buck win Their ATCH Title!
A Fine Day of Leather Carving, Dog Agility and Bon Fires!
20 September 2009 A Remembered day
Setting the Stage...
BBQ's, Clay Birds, Rock and Roll... and Remodeling to go RV Boondocking!
September... Where has this summer gone?
There's a New RV Boondocker on the Rise!
Here's the story about Pat's "Bad Day"...
Taking Care of The Regular Business of Living While moving toward more Frugal RVing...
When Your RV Refrigerator Quits Working... the First Thing to Do...
In Amongst the Rain...
The Rain is gone... Now It's Just Too Dang Hot! :-)
Just a Day of Chores...
In Pursuit of Dreams
Get on Down the Road....
Not a Whole lot new to report!
A step or two forward... and another Whack... Surprised aren't ya?
and one more time....
A sunny day in between the rain...
The Continuing Soap Opera of the Puss Gut Cowboy Born Out of Season...
One More Time...
The Ol' Boy is Tired
The Robins have all moved on...
The World doesn't wait on much... and apparently, it ain't gonna wait on me... at all...
What Now?
We sent an Old Soldier Home Yesterday.
It's a Long Long Road... The Journey Continues.
No Matter What... For the Rest of the World... Life Goes On...
Riding in the Dark
Sometimes... You gotta just grab trouble by the tail!
Lesson Learned... the Hard Way...
The Weatherman needs a new job...
Slippery roads, Motorcycles, RV windows... and pieces of the puzzle...
The Healing Power of the Open Road...
This Will Be a Morning to Cowboy Up!
It came and went... and as is Big Red's habit...
New day... New tasks... Old 'Issues' ... Still bangin' away...
Lots of Odds and Ends
Get in Line to Hurry Up and........wait.
Mental Rambling... One more time...
Many Thanks Boss, for Givin' Me the Life You Have...
A new Sucker is Born Every Second...
Coming to a milestone I guess...
Well, they do!
We'll be scratchin' the 'Itch' a bit more today...
Sadness has struck WagonTeamster
One of those do nothing... get a lot done days...
Running 'round like one of them headless chickens...
Another lovely day in the Wintry Wilds of Western Waste lands!
Have you ever?
Sawdust... Mechanicin'... and ... shhhh... you got to keep readin' to find out!
I may have found a way to utilize my scattered mind...
Runnin' Hard But I Think I May Be Losin' Ground!
A few things to keep in mind... as we get ready to step off yondering through a new year...
... and then I Did! :-)
I did it!...
Makin' Preparations for the Big Do
Many Years Ago... But not so very far away...
Jack Frost is still visiting
... and the Winter just keeps on blowin'
A little cool this morning
I'm cornfuzzled, distracted, and itchy footed.
Too bad... You coulda been here!
They say it's not Winter yet...
Now That was a Fine Gift on This Day!
More lessons learned... by ME!
Murphy and electricity are a tough combination for a slow witted cowboy!
Lot's of excitement.... NOT!
You know you're 'Home'....
Sunshine and High Mountains... the other day...
Las Vegas... some really like it...
Lookin' Good for The Eagle to lift off on Sunday.
One more item on my list has a check mark!
Kind of low on energy... and events to ramble about.
The usual rambling banter...
It's a Wild Ride!
Catchin' up a few 'loose ends'...
It's kind of a 'slow' time...
A whole lot of gas...
It Can Be a Rough Road to Keep Goin' Down ...
A Good Day... but Regular...
Too Busy for a man as Lazy as I am!
Back to the Future.
Just Ramblin'
Sunshine... Busted mowers and Motorcycle Tourin' Devils!
The Wet Continues...
Same 'stuff'... different day
Still Ready!
Ready to Roll...
Big Red is Home...
Actually Made some progress yesterday...
Spent the day scattering seeds...
Rambling like usual... Lot's of little things...
Chores yesterday... Ride the Snowies some today
On the Road Again... sort of...
Fixing things Left and Right!
House cleaning day
The Rig is gonna be busy for a while.
Keeping my fingers crossed... while my mind wanders...
Start of another Day
I've struck Oil! ... or just another nerve... :-)
The 13th... Lucky No More
Looks Like I'm Goin' to Wyomin'
OK... I'm Thoroughly Chastised!
Another Coffee and Keyboard day for sure!
Waitin' on a Wyoming Speed Bump
Sittin' in the Rain...
It'll Huff... an' It'll Puff... and for us, It'll just.... pffffttt!
It's Been a Long Time!
Once again... the hurrieder I go... the behinder I get!... and all I want is the Simple Dream of RV Boondocking!
Got some good news about that fifth wheel toter truck... and some bad news...
Sticks and Bricks Repair Day
Different day... More of the Same Ol' Stuff...
Looks like we timed the weather right for a short road trip...
Chilly yesterday... Snowin' today!
Wind, Bikes, Roads and Rented Cars...
A late post... of usual ramblin's
Didn't know that cleanin' Big Red would turn out to be a Treasure Hunt!
The Great "American" FREE Alternative Fuel :-)
ATTENTION! A Serious NEW Threat to the Health of RVers Has Been Discovered!
Yep... the Best Month Ever!
A New Record!
Ideas bouncing around in my Brain pan... like a BB in the Super Dome
New Day... Same Ol' $%@#!
Solar System Warranty Only Took a bit over Two Weeks...
Well... spring has sprung!
It Ain't Spring Yet!
Still Taking Dancing lessons...
Gettin' ready for the 'Dance' one more time
So.... I'll blow and I'll blow and I'll pffffffffttt!
Do as I say... not as I do!
Hmmm.... same as last year... winter doldrums...
Lots of Chores... and ruminations...
Gotta Move camp Today...
Dang! It's threatening to be... Another... Beautiful... Day
Loaded up an' Truckin'
Tomorrow! The Gypsy Cowboy gets to feed his wanderin' ways!
Properly Prepared Prior Packing Prevents Periodically Performing Previously Performed Pathetically Performed Performance!
The kind of morning you wish you were waking up in a Boondock camp!
Snowbirds, tires, frozen water and the price of fuel...
A Historic Day... and You were here to witness it!
Just jawin'
"Back to the Future"
Can you hear that wooshin' sound?
And We Keep on Rollin'
Have you ever seen a bunch of Aussies in Bed?
Now this is Boondocking!
Gotta stop the swellin'... so here's some more whinin'!
Big Wheels Rollin' can stir up trouble!
Have you ever?
Another day... and more SMOKE!
I'm gettin' dizzy
Just another winter I guess....
A Hurricane in Colorado?
The Sun comes up and it's another day.... and they promise a warmer one
Oh Joy! Slip slidin' around!
Hoooray! Finally!... I'm Baaaaaaaack!
On the Road Again!
Agility Trials can be a 'trial' for a mountain boy
Some success... some not
Sometimes... keeping your chin up is a mite difficult
It's Baaaack!... Winter shows it's head in the Rockies
Ridin' in the Rain
Bunch of miscellaneous stuff
What a Wimp!
Gonna' Cool Out for a week
Who said Murphy was an Optimist?
Making progress
Life is what happens when you're makin' plans... right?
Buttoning up some loose ends
I've either got Hitch Itch or a bad case of Old Timers disease
I don't know if the world is gettin' faster or I'm aging awful darn fast!
Ramblings with my morning coffee and John Denver on the stereo....
Back to the real world of maintenance and other 'stuff'
I think I am gettin' used to this RV Full-Timer deal!
They Finally have the weather scheduled correctly!
Going nowhere in a hurry!
My temp is up ...... is RV Hitch itch Fatal?
It ain't over till it's over
Mental wanderings of a 'stuck' RV Boondocking geezer
Notes on waiting to go RV Boondocking
Gonna' be a busy week in our continuing prep to go RV Boondocking
My Cabin Fever is rising!
Sharpening my pencil
Waiting for the start of a day of Dog Agility
It's a clear morning
So far so good, at least around here!
One more time again!
Waiting for the thaw!
Some according to plan .... some not.
Setting the record straight!
The continued ramblings of the cabin bound
Starting a New Year
Time to close out the year
SOS ...... Same Old Stuff!
Do we need a reality check?
Christmas blizzard!
RV Boondocking Christmas Wish
I guess we'll wait until next week!
I should have kept my mouth shut!
Lots going on!
Still upgrading!
Thinking about RV Boondocking in the spring already!
Haven't sold the house yet but there's still plenty goin' on!
Still working out the bugs!
Welcome to RV Boondocking News!


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